
Thursday, February 28, 2019



It's not longer a news that most of Yobe State Civil Servants that have recently received scholarship allowances are expected to refund the money to the state government or they can't get their this month's salary.

Sadly, most of the victims are clamouring for the action taken by the state government complaining that there are some people that were sent abroad to study and most of them are the sons and daughters of some top government officials spending millions of naira on them but for a civil servant to receive just  20-30 thousand as scholarship allowance is something tremor. Many people are currently complaining over the action but the truth is for a country to be successful in the fight against corruption "change is to begin with me/you".

Despite the facts that the state government has earlier written boldly on the Scholarship Form that the allowance is mainly for the students that are not in the civil service payroll but people have neglected the instruction and filled the forms. The truth is if the state government will be blamed for MALTREATMENT then we should also blame ourselves for being GREEDY. Though I don't know if the state government is paying money for those that are in the In-Service but the truth is we should allow our younger generations to enjoy the allowances instead of congesting the system which can easily lead some students to lost it.

It was found out that the refundable money will be used to pay of those students that didn't get their own yet. It's remarkable!

Be wise, smart and think critically, is a message!

Thursday, February 21, 2019


I wish I had known these  profound distinctions between Intelligence and Wisdom!!! 

1. Intelligence leads to arguments.
Wisdom leads to settlements.
2. Intelligence is power of will.
Wisdom is power OVER  will.
3. Intelligence is heat, it burns.
Wisdom is warmth, it comforts.
4. Intelligence is pursuit of knowledge, it tires the seeker.
Wisdom is pursuit of truth, it inspires the seeker.
5. Intelligence is holding on.
Wisdom is letting go.
6. Intelligence leads you.
Wisdom guides you.
7. An intelligent man thinks he knows everything.
A wise man knows that there is still something to learn.
8. An intelligent man always tries to prove his point.
A wise man knows there really is no point.
9. An intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice.
A wise man keeps his counsel until all options are considered.
10. An intelligent man understands what is being said.
A wise man understands what is left unsaid.
11. An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something.
A wise man speaks when he has something to say.
12. An intelligent man sees  everything as relative.
A wise man sees everything as related.
13. An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow.
A wise man navigates the mass flow.
14. An intelligent man preaches.
A wise man reaches.

Intelligence is good
but wisdom achieves better results. May we continue to grow in wisdom.




     Experience With an unarmed robber in a Banking Hall"
I have a neighbour who sells foodstuffs. She travelled for d new year & so instructed a relation to pay in the money(130,000) into her Diamond Bank Account...
     She was in the Banking Hall, Warehouse Branch, Apapa, with the money in her bag. While filling her teller, someone asked her if she was paying in & at which she said yes. She later joined the long pay in queue.

     After a moment, and with d queue practically not moving, a young man, dressed in corporate suit (all thought was d Bank's cashier) came close to her and in a low voice asked for people who were paying above 100,000.

     About five people stepped out and he asked them to follow him a few meters away from d queue. They all thought he was d Bank's staff, out to offer help.
            He collected all their money, the completed tellers & asked them to wait on the line, so he can go in and stamp their tellers.....

      And so the man left. They waited & waited endlessly, not knowing that he had long exited d Bank,through d rear exit,with their over #650,000.00.

     It was after d seemingly unending wait they decided to report d matter to the Manager,who had to come down... checked the CCTV footage & behold, the gentleman in suit, was neither d Bank's cashier nor even a staff !

     The security guard confirmed it was the third time such was happening in that same Branch alone !

      My fellow Nigerians, we must BEWARE of activities of fraudsters, particularly in d Banking Halls !!
We should pls share to avoid others falling victim.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019



 Written By: Lawan Isa

     All people are created equal, women are essentially the same as men

Based upon principle of equality of opportunity and freedom

Gender not determined by sex

Inequality stems from unequal participation in spheres outside of the family, primarily education and paid labour force

Seek social changes that will create a meritocracy where social rank is based on merit and in which hierarchy and inequality are both inevitable and acceptable

Faith in rationality
Education is means to change
Oppression of women is not a structural feature of capitalist economic system

Look to state to bring about women's liberation through legislative measures - equality through law

Programs advocated include affirmative action, equal opportunity employment, employment equity, pay equity, parental leave, subsidized daycare
professional and middle-class women

National Action Committee on the Status of Woman (N.A.C.): umbrella organization representing 500 hundred feminist-oriented women's group

National Organization of Women (N.O.W.)
Marxist Feminism

  Primary source of female oppression is the capitalist economic system, i.e. inferior position of women linked to class-based capitalistic system and family structure within this system
Women’s subordination was a consequence of the introduction of private property, women became the property of men and the first oppressed class
  Women’s oppression caused by their economic dependence in the family but also in the work force, this keeps an exploitable reserve labour force
  Women have always had unpaid work (housewife) and most low paying and boring jobs
  Women must have equal participation in the economic production process
Propose wages for housework, developing a system for paying women directly for their household work
  Sexuality is to feminism what work is to Marxism
  working class women
Socialist Feminism

  Integrate issues of gender and class, i.e. unite concepts of patriarchy and capitalism, seeks to eliminate both class and gender oppression
Women's oppression caused by their economic dependence
  Economic production systems of sexuality, childbearing and childrearing, care of other members of family and sick, and gender socialization must all be looked at
Investigate interface between women’s paid labour and domestic labour lives
Traditional sexuality script is emblematic of gender power relations
  Abolition of gender and class are goals where socialism will only occur with the liberation of women and women's liberation will only occur under socialism
  working class women
Radical Feminism

  Women live under conditions of inequality in most systems of economic production regardless of whether capitalist, socialist or communist
Gender is the fundamental form of difference, little emphasis on class or ethnicity
Patriarchy, women’s oppression and domination by men, is the fundamental oppression and at the root of other isms
Patriarchy pervades public world of formal economic production processes but also private worlds of family, marriage, sexuality and biological reproduction
Introduced the phrase the personal is political and then also the political is personal
Social change is necessary in both private and public worlds
Seek to replace existing gender roles with androgyny, any resulting differences would then be human not gender differences
Some focus specifically on the male physical, psychological and social control of female sexuality as the basic cause of female subordination
Some focus on the tyranny of reproductive biology from which women must be liberated, and thus they seek to eliminate biological sex as basis of social differentiation
  First to introduce the following as feminist issues:  reproductive and contraceptive rights, abortion, reproductive technologies, sexuality expression and experience, sexual and physical violence against women (rape, sexual harassment, incest, pornography and domestic violence)

Cultural Feminism

  A branch of radical feminism
Identify suppression of distinctive or different female qualities, experiences, and values as the primary cause of women’s subordination
Don’t focus on elimination of patriarchy but rather seek to create an alternative female consciousness where existence of gender differences are stressed by the identification, rehabilitation and nurturance of women’s qualities
Idea of women’s cultures emphasizing consensual non hierarchical decision-making processes, valuing responsibility, connection community, negotiation, altruism, nurturance, from this we have ecofeminism and pacifist feminism
Pornography is the theory, rape is the practice since believe that male sexuality if selfish, violent and women hating, linking male sexuality as violence against women with pornography
Advocates lesbianism as a personal and political choice that expresses ultimate rejection of patriarchy
Separation from men in every way (some only advocate separation from male values), i.e. create institutions for women and sever relationships with men

Postmodern Feminism

  all women are different and thus can never generalize
a feminist theory is not possible

Multicultural/Global Feminism

  recognizing all other differences not just gender
Focuses on inclusion of oppressions based on gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality, able bodiedness and age
Intersection of gender with race, class and issues of colonization and exploitation of women in developing world
 Sources:  see Gender bibliography

Monday, February 18, 2019

Yobe state civil servants on scholarship


By: Abdulmumin Kolo Gulani

It's not longer a news that most of Yobe State Civil Servants that have recently received scholarship allowances are expected to refund the money to the state government or they can't get their this month's salary.

Sadly, most of the victims are clamouring for the action taken by the state government complaining that there are some people that were sent abroad to study and most of them are the sons and daughters of some top government officials spending millions of naira on them but for a civil servant to receive just  20-30 thousand as scholarship allowance is something tremor. Many people are currently complaining over the action but the truth is for a country to be successful in the fight against corruption "change is to begin with me/you".

Despite the facts that the state government has earlier written boldly on the Scholarship Form that the allowance is mainly for the students that are not in the civil service payroll but people have neglected the instruction and filled the forms. The truth is if the state government will be blamed for MALTREATMENT then we should also blame ourselves for being GREEDY. Though I don't know if the state government is paying money for those that are in the In-Service but the truth is we should allow our younger generations to enjoy the allowances instead of congesting the system which can easily lead some students to lost it.

It was found out that the refundable money will be used to pay of those students that didn't get their own yet. It's remarkable!

Be wise, smart and think critically, is a message!

Friday, February 15, 2019


Learn how to interact with people on social media. Some of your "friends" here are probably as old as your father, mother, aunt, uncle, brother and sister.

   Some of them are the CEOs and MDs of your dream company. Some of them could be the catalyst for a life long professional and personal transformation.

      Treat everyone with dignity and respect they deserve and even the ones you think they don't deserve.

    Under no circumstance must you resort to abuse, name calling, caustic comments, slandering and others.

     Don't be in the bad book of your future. 

    Appreciate diversity, respect other people's opinions and political inclination.
Instead of saying "People that support others are senseless", why not put it as " I don't understand why people still support others"?
You don't have to respond to every unpleasant, opposing, disgusting post. You have the option of scrolling down/up or even "unfriend" such person.

    You have no moral obligation to correct everyone's mistake and people are not under any obligation to echo your views about a subject matter.

    I know of a friend that literally aced an interview for an important position because the interviewer knew him from Facebook. Imagine if he had been utterly disrespectful to the person while enjoying the relative anonymity that the social media gives.
     Social media is not a battle ground where you should fight people. Remove people that you don't like from your "friends list". Avoid passing negative comments and if you must correct any anomaly, you can always inbox the person in a very calm, matured and persuasive manner.

Be cautious, the internet never forgets!

Thursday, February 14, 2019


We have 4 persons to work on a polling unit.

1. P.O as presiding officer
2. APO. 1 as Assistant presiding officer
3. APO. 2 as Assistant presiding officer
4. APO. 3 as Assistant presiding officer

P.O Is the person in charge of the election in that polling unit, he is to ensure the election is in proper order

P.O Is the person to issue  Ballet paper. Stamp, sign, and write date on it one after the other.

APO.1 Is the person  to check the voters pvc, the name and the picture

APO. 2. Is the person to check your pvc with  card reader and make sure you thumbprint

APO.3 Is the person to control the cheque and make sure the voters are on a line

APO. 3 Is also to stand at the back  of the voter  once  it is 2pm..

P. O Will open the election by introducing  himself and other  officer working with him/her and address  the voters in good  manner and be polite.


1. Do not eat or drink  anything brought by the voters
2. Do not answer any questions from Press or voters
3. Apart from you and other officers, any other  person is a voter
4. Be security alert..

See you all in good health.


1. Do Not Argue About Politics in Public
2. Always Get Back home On Time
3. Do Not Criticize Any Politician
4. Do not Support or Wear Political Campaign Uniforms to polling unit
5. Don't Keep Late Nights
6. Always Listen to the News
7. Don't Disclose Who You Will Vote For at the Polls
8. Once You Cast Your Vote Go Straight to Your House
9. Don't Move About With Huge Cash
10. When Driving, Ensure That Your Car Central Lock is activated
11. Steer Clear Undefined Crowd or Groups of People
12. If You Must Hang out with Friends, Ensure that it is Safe to Do So
13. Don't Move About With Expensive Gadgets (Mobile Device)
14. Minimize Your Family Outings during Elections Period
15. Stock up Your Home with Food
16. Have Your Doctor's Number Handy
17. Cast Your Vote Once
18. Do Not Talk Recklessly At the Polls
19. Celebrate in a Civil Manner
20. Do Not Partake in Election Violence
21. Do not argue on social media groups

Please it is important that you take these election safety and security tips. So that you will not have yourself to blame at the end.

Practicing all these tips would only mean that you are relevant to the society.



Men don't cry, but I cried!

I sent my car for service in preparation for my trip to Benue since Wednesday. The vehicle was not returned until yesterday evening.

I was very angry that the mechanic delayed my planned trip but was also glad that he brought the car back for me to leave this morning.

So I decided to drive around to be sure the car was in good condition for the trip, this was about 7.30pm...I drove up to the Games Village Traffic Junction and the car stopped. I tried starting it and it won't start, so parked, called the mechanic, who told me he has gone home but will see if he can make it back to me.

So I decided to start the car once more and Bang! The car burst into flames...I ran out of the car in  shock and confusion. The next episode of this mishap is the reason for my narrative.

From the moving traffic, I saw men and boys park their cars and were rushing to my burning car with fire extinguishers, some where struggling to open the bonnet.   

From a building inside games village, I heard women screaming and passing buckets of water, bags of detergents. I saw a guy removed his t-shirt, soaked it in water and was trying to open the bonnet with fire covering his hands.

In all this, I was just standing by a tree, with my eyes staring into space, till I saw the flames go out eventually and I heard someone asked...where is the owner of the car?

It was then and only then that I stepped forward and found myself being hugged and consoled by strangers, Nigerians, Muslims, Christians, traditionalist and may be atheist.

All joined to wish me well and they turned to their cars or homes one after the other. The last being the guy who suffers a deep cut to his leg where he was helping out.

As soon as he left, I turned to see what was left of the car and I counted 13 fire extinguishers that were used, other items that were used and also the charred remains of someone's t-shirt that was used.
Just when tears started forming in my eyes, I noticed I was not still alone, there were two policemen who helped to salvage the burning car and have chosen to remain with me till I get family and friends to come take me away.

At that moment, my belief that a New Nigeria is possible was renewed and  I was  proud to be a Nigerian.

I woke up this morning thinking, where and how did we get so divided and polarised as a nation, when before my own eyes I saw Musa, Obi, Femi, Andrew, Mike all helping to salvage my car, without caring who I was. I thank God for his mercies and for the good people of Nigeria...together we shall overcome.

-True story by Lawan musa
-My personal opinion, I think this is what we should send to groups once a while instead of politics & some uncalled for msgs.

#God make Nigeria great again.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019



     I used to think that maturity was about age and physical development, how wrong I was. I have since found out that age is only but a number, below are 20 definitions of MATURITY

1.... Maturity is when you accept other people the way they are and their level of maturity.
2.... Maturity is when you understand that your ideas are not always the best.
3.... Maturity is when you learn to let go even if it pains.
4... Maturity is when you are able to drop expectations from a relationship and give for giving sake.
5.... Maturity is when you understand that whatever positive things you do, you do for your own peace.
6... Maturity is when you stop proving to the world how RIGHT OR SUPERIOR you are.
7.... Maturity is when you stop comparing yourself with others because life is not a competition.
8.... Maturity is when you understand that you can't and shouldn't always get what you want every time.
9.... Maturity is when you are contented and satisfied with your life and yet aspiring to be better everyday..
10.... Maturity is when someone hurt you and you understand their attitude and stay clear, rather than trying to hurt them back.
11.... Maturity is when you start thinking about other people and not just yourself.
12.... Maturity is when you know you cant please everyone
13.... Maturity is when you see things in different perspectives - far beyond the way they seem
14.... Maturity is when you love more and judge less
15.... Maturity is responsibilit
16.... Maturity is Love
17.... Maturity is the application of wisdom and knowledge in humility..
18... Maturity is when you accept that your accomplishment, failures, destiny, reputations and virtually everything about your life depends on God's will and the choices you make and not pointing fingers at others
19... Maturity is when someone hates you and you still pray for them to succeed.
20.... Maturity is knowing God, serving Him with all that you've got and pursuing His Kingdom no matter what people think .

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Voluntary and Leadership Experience


   I was a member of an NGO. The organisation focuses on social intervention events and advocates for rural development.
    I am a leading member of the media and publication team in the organisation.
    I design posters and flyers for publicity and invitations and also coordinate and supervise the works of other members of the team.
    I also ensure that all events are well publicised across most social media platforms and the people are well informed, has been able to organise several events over the years, the remarkable one is a health promotion, adopted my concept and design for the entire programme.         Through my poster design we were able to communicate our agenda to the mass and got the expected number for the programme.
  At the end, the programme was a success and the people who attended it also benefited.
   Also, in Nigeria general elections in 2015, I
volunteered for the post of a Polling Assistant, I was responsible for the issuing of ballot papers for voters on the election day.
     Last but not the least, I have contributed to the basic education in my native community, where I volunteered to teach mathematics and Business study at the secondary school level and also, used the opportunity to inspire the students to pursue higher education after their
secondary school education.

Objectives during the award


  *Objectives During the award:
-To enhance and apply my knowledge in a
professionally challenging environment so as to gain experience and contribute to the
-To learn and gain as much knowledge as I
can, throughout my Master's duration.
-To learn more about British culture and
psyche, which I am highly interested in.
-To serve my country in the best possible way after I return.
-To apply my knowledge that I have gained
after returning, in work environment in the best possible way

  *Career plans in the 5 years following the
  As we probably know together, to study
aboard in United Kingdom particularly may
initially cost a great deal of money.
   I could not make my dream become real without fund. Because of live in developing country is hard enough to make education becoming number one priority.
  So that, scholarship program is more likely help me to continue my study in master degree.
   By completing my master degree in United Kingdom, it will surely provide me an opportunity of experiencing a research active learning environment that will give me excellent grounding in the study of Foreign policy or governance and democracy.
   Pursuing master degree in United Kingdom from scholarship programme would be such an invaluable experience since I would be able to comprehend the issue of international relations, governance and democracy as the processes involved in dealing with them.
   After finishing my master degree, I would like to devote myself to my country in field of foreign policy and democracy.
   As far as I am concerned, foreign policy and democracy are always interesting to be analyzed since my country, Nigeria, use democracy.
    Furthermore, I also wish to get involved in a policy development role in my country through my basis on academic field.
   I strongly believe that taking master degree in United Kingdom would provide me with the best preparation to embark my career afterwards.
   However I will be Self-defense and employed jobless in my community.

  *Long-term Career Plans Future Career Plans:
There are two things I am highly interested in, one is Educational field, and the other is
Managerial field.
It depends upon the job
which I am offered later after completing my Master's in Project Management.
Long-term career plans:
After my award is over, I will start looking for a job that best suit my qualification in Nigeria. Upon getting a job, I will try my best to serve my country in the best possible way.
Please help me refine my content.     Especially Objectives during the award, future career plans and long-term career plans.
   You responses/comments will be highly
appreciated. Thanks in regards.

Development Impact Statement


From my parental background, I belong to a
community that lived in poor conditions in a village named "katsira" in Nangere,
a couple of generations back.
  My grandfather was the first person in the community to have educated himself in the city and earned a job teaching at a high school.
  He then helped the entire community to raise its standard of living which shaped the next generation as lower middle class families living on small shops or clerical jobs. My mother continued my grandfather's legacy and was one of the
first people to get a degree in my family.
   My father is not much educated, but it is his strong desire that he wants to see his children very educated and professional.       Ever since many people in our community have looked up to our family for role models and educational guidance.
 This places immense responsibility on my
shoulders to educate myself and to inspire the next generation of the community towards academic excellence.
  Apart from my grandfather's legacy, the motivation for it also comes from my belief that highly educated individuals who trust in educational research and reason are
vital for the future progress of our society,
who would counter the current ignorant
fundamentalism and radical belief systems
threatening our country today.
  For me, the combination of technical and management fields is great.
  During my studies, I used to supervise and take interest in managing the semester group projects, besides I feel that our society lacks sustainable development, for these reasons I have chosen "Project management"and want to learn more about it, and I can say with full confidence that I will do my best and cope with the demands of course.
  Being given the opportunity to study in a UK Institution will not only provide me a chance to achieve best standard of education but also I will learn more about British culture and psyche.
  Currently, the amount of research being done in Nigeria is minimal. To improve the quality and quantity of education research we need specialized intellectuals who can take the role of leaders.
  It is in this regard that I can play a vital role and serve my country.
  I think that Commonwealth scholarship would not only permit me to realize my dreams of academic excellence in my domain but will also give me an opportunity to broaden my experiences by exchanging ideas with other people and at the same time serve my country and later on inspire others to strive for academic excellence.
  However it will take of to the duration of service years, and to be measure true tests and retesting.



  Reason to study in United Kingdom
particularly may initially cost a great deal of money, I could not make my dream become real without fund, Because of live in developing country is hard enough to make education becoming number one priority,So that Commonwealth program is more likely help me to continue my study in master degree.
   By completing my master degree in United Kingdom, it will surely provide me an opportunity of experiencing a research active learning environment that will give me excellent grounding in the study of Foreign policy or governance and democracy.
   Pursuing master degree in United Kingdom from Commonwealth programme would be such an invaluable experience since I would be able to comprehend the issue of international relations, governance and democracy as the processes involved in dealing with them.
   After finishing my master degree, I would like to devote myself to my country in field of foreign policy and democracy.
   As far as I am concerned, foreign policy and democracy are always interesting to be analyzed in my country Nigeria. Furthermore, I also wish to get involved in a policy development role in my country through my basis on academic field.
  I strongly believe that taking master degree in United Kingdom would provide me with the best preparation to embark my career afterwards.
  Thank you.

Personal Statement


This answer might seem "unrelated" to others but this is the best way that I can render a answer to this question.
   I belong to Nigeria, so does a million others. Every day we contribute small petty amounts to the so called "public servants" which is considered to be "right of every citizen" to do whether he/she likes it or not.     Even those small money that we pay is out of reach to millions of Nigeria who live in roads or even without any identity.
    Occasionally, for important things that need to be authorized by the government for basic livelihood of the citizen of Nigeria, the amount that we pay which goes unaccounted is almost equal to monthly earnings of a middle-class Nigeria and often, some people like shortcuts in Nigeria.
  They do not like to waste any precious time.
   So they pay a average Nigeria graduate's yearly earnings to so called "Government Officials" who are supposed to sign the documents with green inks.
  You come to Nigeria and you see to yourself why green ink is so much costlier than growing a forest from seeding it, watering it daily and making a lush green canopy with months of effort.
    You can literally buy a degree in Nigeria from some citizens of the country if you are rich.
   And what else ?
Want to extend building approval over limit
and endanger lives,
Want a government job itself you pay to get it.
Want to become a policeman and avail all
Want to fake your birth, tamper official
Want to become a member of parliament? pay money to every voter. See?,
   we contribute to Nigeria immensely If all the money that every Nigeria lost knowingly or unknowingly in this entire process of corruption spanning all levels of this government hierarchy was spent purely on improving Nigeria, then who knows?
But who is responsible for letting this? I don't think that people can shift blame towards the corrupt "shameless" people in the government which in turn is the beneficiary of corrupt private sector.       Everyone are responsible! I am to be blamed, my neighbors are to be blamed
and the entire political and economic system is to be blamed for this perpetual contrasting state of this country which is in shambles right now.
   How we solve this? Well there is one really great person who imagined a corrupt free and peaceful Nigeria.
   His name Muhammadu Buhari, one of the finest political mindset in Nigeria.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Written by: Vice President and Founders

       Has warned to steer clear of politicians’ in the forthcoming elections.

     Elections come and go. Don’t destroy your relationships & reputation because of these politicians. If you remember, last elections many of the politicians now in PDP were in APC & vice versa.

    The same thing is likely to happen after this elections.
    Don’t burn bridges , be truthful and professional in your dealings no matter what you face or what faces you. Take it easy o !!!

                                                Yours Sincerely.....

Monday, February 4, 2019




     The wicked amongst them are using Religion and religio-political forces to become potent influences in the domestic politics of the country. The growing importance of religion as a marker of identity and a tool of political mobilization is reshaping the political landscape in an unprecedented manner in Nigeria, which is among the best countries that practice religion and believes in their religion by the both Islam and Christian FOLLOWERS are no exception to this fact.

     It's observed that some politicians are using Religion as a weapon for political gain. They're using  media especially the "social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp to brainwash the populace through the usage of different faiths in order to support their political will. While others use some religious leaders that have polluted minds as machineries to reshape the people's faculty of thinking to embrace their movement.

     The most popular and most influential political parties at the presence time in the country are APC and PDP and they're the most political parties that alledgely use or serves as indicators of the use of a religion as a political ideology, but should not be the only indices in measuring the scope and depth of religion's role in society and politics. Understanding the interplay of religion and politics warrants further exploration, particularly the role of the state and the society. Mr. Kofi Annan said and I quoted "we are all from one Adam and Eve.."We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race. We all share the same basic values".

     Regrettably, these failures have delegitimized the states and the ruling blocs. This engendered an environment within which religion has appeared as both an ideology of the ruling class and as a counter-hegemonic project. On the one hand, the ruling elites have used various means to continue their hold over power including use of religion, while on the other hand, religio-political forces attempt to demonstrate that failure is inherently connected to the secularist liberal ideology.

      Sadly, in Nigeria there's no record of a single President or Head of State that has ever tried to Islamize or Christianize people nor one that ever shared money or resources to a single faith with the exemption of others. Nor President that boldly come out to give priority to the single faith. Surprisingly, the elites mostly hides under the guise of religion to propagate their political will and at the end of the day,  they don't even listen to the religious leaders for advices. If this will continue why blaming the white men for racism? This must be stopped!!!

     It's hoped that Nigerians will shun all forms of sentiment and embrace one another irrespective of RELIGION or ETHNICITY.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


INTERESTING FACTS for those who love the English language!


    No words in the English language rhyme with “month”, “orange”, “silver”  or "purple”.

“Hungry” and “Angry” are the only words in the English language that end in “-gry.

The number 4 is the only number that has the same number of letters in it - FOUR

Did you know the word 'Underground' is the only word that begins and ends with the letters 'und'.

The word 'Uncopyrightable' is the is the only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating any letter.

The word 'Typewriter' is the longest word that can be typed using only the top row of a keyboard.

Did you know the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English alphabet.

The word 'Rhythm' is the longest word without a vowel.

"Dreamt" is the only word that ends in mt.

Did you know there are only 3 sets of letters on a keyboard which are in alphabetical order - 'F G H', 'J K L', 'O P'

The word "queue" is the only word in the English Language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.

"Dammit I'm mad" is the same spelt backwards

"Set" of all the words in the English Language, the word "set" has the most definitions.

"Bookkeeper" & "Bookkeeping" are only words in English language with three consecutive double letters.

The least used letter in the alphabet is Q.

The most commonly used word in English conversation is 'I'
The dot on top of the letter 'i' is called a tittle.

There are only 4 words in the English language which end in 'dous' (they are: hazardous, horrendous, stupendous and tremendous)

The oldest word in the English language is 'town'.

The word 'Strengths' is the longest word in the English language with just one vowel.

The past tense for the English word 'dare' is 'durst'.

The first English dictionary was written in 1755.

Saturday, February 2, 2019




*1.* _Take risks in your life. If you win, you
can lead; if you lose, you can guide._
*2.* _People are not what they say but what they do; so judge them not from their words but from their actions._
*3.* _When someone hurts you, don't feel bad because it's a law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones._
*4.* _Take whatever you can from your life because when life starts taking from you, it takes even your last breath._
*5.* _In this world, people will always throw stones on the path of your success. It depends on what you make from them - a wall or a bridge._
*6.* _Challenges make life interesting; overcoming them make life meaningful._
*7.* _There is no joy in victory without running the risk of defeat._
*8.* _A path without obstacles leads nowhere._
*9.* _Past is a nice place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay._
*10.* _You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time._
*11.* _If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, then you haven't done much today._
*12.* _If you don't build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs._
*13.* _If you don't climb the mountain; you can't view the plain._
*14.* _Don't leave it idle - use your brain._
*15.* _You are not paid for having brain, you are only rewarded for using it intelligently._
*16.* _It is not what you don't have that limits you; it is what you have but don't know how to use._
*17.* _What you fail to learn might teach you a lesson._
*18.* _The difference between a corrupt person and an honest person is: The corrupt person has a price while the honest person has a value._
*19.* _If you succeed in cheating someone, don't think that the person is a fool...... Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved._
*20.* _Honesty is an expensive gift; don't expect it from cheap people._

  *This is very interesting post and I want everyone to benefit.*